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Wimborne St Giles

Church of England First School and Nursery

And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations." Revelation 22: 2


'Together We Grow: Together We Give'

Talk 4 Writing

We were surprised by the news today that Finn MacCool has been spotted at the Giant's Causeway. Watch to footage below. 

BREAKING: News reports of giant caught on camera!

Finn McCool caught on camera entering secret cave at the Giant's Causeway for winter hibernation. Earlier today a previously unnoticed door was heard crashing against the famous cliffs of the Antrim Coast. By luck, a visitor captured this amazing event on their mobile phone.

We imagined what it might be like inside Finn MacCool's house and drew and labelled pictures of what we could see.



We listened to the story of the Legend of Finn MacCool and then imagined what Finn and Angus might shout to each other accross the water. 

Finn MacCool & the giant's Causeway | John Dougherty

The Irish giant Finn MacCool boasts that he is the strongest giant in the world. But the Scottish giant Benandonner disagrees. They start hurling rocks and soon a causeway stretches across the sea.
