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Wimborne St Giles

Church of England First School and Nursery

And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations." Revelation 22: 2


'Together We Grow: Together We Give'

Year 2

Here are some maths games to play today. You do not have to play them all, just have some fun with maths!


Multiplication Bingo


Pick the times table that you need to practice the most. 


Write the answers to that times table of to two pieces of A4 paper.


Write multiplication or division sentences on to small pieces of paper or card.


Shuffle the cards and place face down in front of you. 


Take it in turns to turn over a card and solve the number sentence. If the answer is on your sheet, place the number sentence on top of the correct answer. If you do not have the correct answer on your sheet, the card goes to the bottom of the pile.


Have fun!

Odd and Even Finger Maths


As we played during our live session on Monday, each player decides if they will be either “odds' or “evens”. Then both players clench their fists, count to three, and each player - at the same time - opens one hand, extending one or more fingers.


If the combined number of fingers is equal to an odd number - the player declaring “odds” wins. If it is an even number - the player declaring 'evens' wins.


Finger Maths Multiplication


Challenge your grown up to the finger times table game we played during our live session before half term.  Pick the times table that you need to practice the most!




This is one we play a lot at school!


Write either the 2, 5 or 10 x tables onto small pieces of paper or lollypop sticks. (Obviously, if you are confident with these timetables, write down the one that you are practicing at the moment)


Add some card / stick that say 'kaboom' ,  'miss a go', 'take a card from a different player'


Shuffle the cards/ stick and place them face down.  Take it in turns to draw a card/stick and answer the question. If you answer correctly, you get to keep the card. Answer incorrectly and you have to return it to the pile. If you pick up a kaboom, you lose all or you cards!!


You can play this with your grown-up, siblings or with your favourite cuddly toys!


Times Table Collector


First, write the times table that you are practicing on to small pieces of card or paper. 

Next, put each card on a different step of your stairs. 

After that, find a small ball (or a balled up pair of socks). 

Finally, toss the ball up the stair, whichever step the ball lands on, you need to answer that times table, then run up the stairs, take the paper and put in a bowl at the bottom of the stairs. 


EXTENSION: You could time yourself, how quickly (and safely) can you complete the challenge? Please be careful!


IF YOU PLAYED THIS GAME BEFORE: Choose a different times table or try to beat your fastest time!
