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Wimborne St Giles

Church of England First School and Nursery

And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations." Revelation 22: 2


'Together We Grow: Together We Give'


Local River Study


(Choose The Allen, Avon, or Stour River)


Choose a local river to research and answer these questions:


- Where is it located? (which county, which towns or cities does it flow through)

- Where is the source? (where does it start)

-Where is the mouth? (where does it end)

-How long is it?


-any extra facts.

- what is it used for? What wildlife is in it?


*Are you able to visit it or walk by a local river this week or next? *


Please date your work and write the title : Local River Study

You can present your findings in your writing book, on a poster (stick into your writing book), or on a powerpoint. 

Please write in your best handwriting and in full sentences (remember capital letters for starting sentences and names of place) .smiley

The River Allen

Use an atlas, or map at home, or use google maps or street maps found below to find the route of this river.

If you put into google - Google Maps River Allen Dorset, it will show you the river. You can also use wikipedia or other websites to find extra information about the river.

The River Stour

Use an atlas, or map at home, or use google maps or street maps found below to find the route of this river.

If you put into google - Google Maps River Stour Dorset, it will show you the river. You can also use wikipedia or other websites to find extra information about the river.

The River Avon

Use an atlas, or map at home, or use google maps or street maps found below to find the route of this river.

If you put into google - Google Maps River Avon Dorset, it will show you the river. You can also use wikipedia or other websites to find extra information about the river.

Greater Depth Challenge

Choose 2 or 3 local rivers and explain how they are similar or different from one another.

Eg. their length, the county they cross, the land use, or wildlife. 


Or research a different local river and compare it.  Can you find out about the Moors River in Cranborne or The River Crane in Verwood?
