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Wimborne St Giles

Church of England First School and Nursery

And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations." Revelation 22: 2


'Together We Grow: Together We Give'



Lesson starter activity -Practising your Times Tables

Start the lesson by practising a times table you are working on.  Why not create some arrays or groups of that multiplication from around your home or garden  or make your own flashcards?

Go to:


for lots of fun practical ways to practise your times tables at home.


MAIN LESSON - PRACTISING 2 and 3 digit multiplication 

Practising  2 digit multiplication (year 3)

  • Using a dice*, roll out 2 numbers, write the 2 digit number down and then roll your dice again and multiply your 2 digit number by what you rolled.
  • Remember to write down the question and to set it out properly and solve it.
  • Do at least 5 examples.​​​​​​​


Practising  3 digit multiplication. (year 4 or year 3 challenge)


  • Using a dice*, roll out 3 numbers, write the 3 digit number down and then roll your dice again and multiply your 3 digit number by what you rolled.
  • Remember to write down the question and to set it out properly and solve it.
  • Do at least 5 examples.


Take it outside?

  • You could go outside and practise your multiplication using chalks on the ground.
  • You could use some natural loose parts, such as stones or leaves to write down the numbers on and sticks for the equals sign and set up your multiplication practically that way.


*If you do not have a dice you could write numbers 1 to 6 on individual pieces of paper and turn them over then choose 2 or 3 numbers at random.
