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Wimborne St Giles

Church of England First School and Nursery

And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations." Revelation 22: 2


'Together We Grow: Together We Give'

Wednesday 13th Jan

Hello Oak Class!


We will start with our live worship  Zoom 9:00- 9:20 with Mrs. Hill.

You will then have time to get active.  (Joe Wicks, daily mile, a walk etc).

Please find the rest of today's lessons on this page:

9:00 Live Worship

9:30-10:00 Get active

10:00- Spelling lessons (prerecorded)

11:00- Live maths/ Pre recorded maths fun starter, then use the prerecorded video with worksheet.

1.15: Handwriting

2.00 Art - Live via Zoom with Mrs Hill 

3.00: Live review via Zoom


Have a lovely day! 


Spelling and Grammar

Year 3


Need an extra challenge?

Write down 2 more words for each of the spelling rules learnt today:


Year 4

Need an extra challenge?

Write down 2 more words for each of the spelling rules learnt today:






We will try and do a Live zoom at 11:00, then please watch your input video and complete your worksheet found below.

Year 3- Multiply by 8

For some practical ideas for counting in multiples go to the maths at home and in the garden in the home learning section.

Year 3 Multiply by 8 worksheet

Year 4 Multiply by 100

For a fun idea for multiplying by 100 outdoors go to the maths at home and in the garden in the home learning section.
ART: Kandinsky 

Abstract Art - Words to 'Show that you know'! 


synaesthesia: experiencing one sense through another- eg 'hearing colour'

geometrical: consisting of regular shapes and lines

contrasts: big differences between two things when you compare them

chromatic: having colours

pioneer: first person to do something

spectrum: a range of colours

gouache:painting with watercolours mixed with glue
