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Wimborne St Giles

Church of England First School and Nursery

And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations." Revelation 22: 2


'Together We Grow: Together We Give'



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At Wimborne St Giles, our mantra is that everyone can succeed in mathematics. We believe that there is no such thing as a ‘maths person,’ you are not born with a maths brain.  Indeed anyone can learn how to be a mathematician just like anyone can learn how to ride a bike or swim.  We can all do this through hard work and practice.  Above all pupils need a teacher who believes that they can achieve and can show them that they can be successful in maths.

Every child at Wimborne St Giles CE  First School follows a mastery approach to Mathematics which follows the objectives set out in the National Curriculum. Much of the mathematics work follows a CPA approach, which means we teach using a combination of concrete resources, pictorial representations and abstract (mathematical symbols)  to help develop mathematical connections. Often, the lessons are very hands-on and practical and we find time to practice new skills through games. We also have many problem-solving/ investigative sessions to allow the children to develop their thinking skills and to apply the concepts and ideas that they have been taught. We often find that when they apply their maths through problem-solving and deeper level mathematical challenges it not only helps their understanding it also helps build up the children's confidence and resilience in mathematics. We encourage lots of visual learning and ‘talk’ in Maths, allowing children to share their communication and reasoning skills in small groups or with the rest of the class. As children explain their ideas and strategies to others it helps to increase and consolidate their own mathematical understanding.

EYFS children follow the White Rose Maths scheme and the NCTEM Mastery in Number. Children in both Nursery and Reception grow a love maths through a fantastic program of fun mathematics activities all linked to stories, songs, puppets, and practical activities, whilst all learning through play! The children develop a very strong understanding of what makes a number and develop fantastic 'number sense'. 

Our Maths Curriculum


We are passionate about making sure our lessons are practical and use a variety of manipulatives, such as tens frames, base ten cubes, numicon , blocks and beads. Alongside these fantastic maths resources, we encourage the children to see maths everywhere and to use natural objects in the environment around. We love taking the learning outside and using sticks,stones, conkers, pine cones to help solve our maths problems too!

Taking the maths outside!
