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Wimborne St Giles

Church of England First School and Nursery

And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations." Revelation 22: 2


'Together We Grow: Together We Give'

Mindfulness in Schools

As you may have seen or heard in the press recently, the government have been high-lighting the importance of educational initiatives to promote positive mental health and well-being in schools so that children are better equipped to deal with issues later in life.


‘Paws.b’ is a mindfulness programme specially created for Primary school children by the Mindfulness in School Project (MiSP). Their vision is: that every child possesses the skills to help them manage difficulty and flourish and an understanding of how and when to use those skills.’

Paws.b stands for Pause. Stop and Be. This term we are delivering the programme for 30 minutes a week in Years 3 and 4, with a view to implementing it as part of the PSHE curriculum across the school next term.


The sessions are delivered by Sarah Monro who is a trained Paws.b teacher. Children are given opportunities to develop resilience and resourcefulness when life is challenging. They learn how to steady themselves when their mind/body is busy or out of balance and explore ways to respond rather than react – and therefore take best care of themselves. If you would be interested in more information, please inform either Mrs Hill or Mrs Cutbush in the school office.

Have a Go Worksheets
